
The Great Regression

01.09.2024 You are speaking out against Jewish capital, gentlemen? Anyone who speaks out against Jew capital, gentlemen, is already a class fighter, even if he doesn’t know it. You are against Jew capital and want to fight the stock market jobbers. That’s right. Kick the Jew capitalists down, hang them from the lamppost, trample them […]

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AI and Crisis Management

Control, marginalization, immobilization or counterinsurgency – AI systems are predestined to manage the global crisis of capital. August 1, 2024 A particularly effective method of the endangered genre of subversive science fiction horror is to exaggerate the given late capitalist reality only slightly, to transfer only a few moments of society into the realm of

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Sahra’s Final Form

German „Querfront“: Sahra Wagenknecht’s new party BSW will hardly harm the AfD, but will instead shift the political balance further to the right 04.05.2024, Tomasz Konicz, translated by OlIver Blackwell Above all, it is a legend that many Wagenknecht fans use to talk themselves into joining the Querfront: The entire phenomenon is purportedly directed against

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Transatlantic Decoupling?

How is the United States managing to overtake the eurozone economically? And will this trend continue? 27.04.2024 The United States seems to be leaving the eurozone behind economically. In recent weeks, the leading U.S. and UK business newspapers, the Wall Street Journal (WSJ)[1] and the Financial Times (FT),[2]  have focused on the widening economic gap

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Antifa for the last time?

The wave of anti-fascist protests in Germany represents the last chance to prevent a fascist crisis regime. 02.02.2024 The currently unfolding anti-fascist mass movement seems to be a liberation from the leaden heaviness of years of fascization. Like a mass awakening, millions of people are realizing how far the New Right has already spread into

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Why anti-fascism?

The fight against the „authoritarian revolt“ of the New Right has a central role to play in the full-blown systemic crisis. A German perspective. Tomasz Konicz, 31.12.2023 Where do all the rightwing populists and right-wing extremists that are increasingly dominating Germany’s and Europe’s political landscape come from? Contrary to popular belief, they do not come

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Captain Ancap is watching you!

The election victory of self-proclaimed anarcho-capitalist Javier Milei is being celebrated by right-wing libertarians around the world. This neoliberal extremism is successful because other ways of tackling the worsening crisis have failed – not just in Argentina. jungle world, 14.12.2023 (slightly updated here) Finally a revolutionary that the German bourgeoisie can get on board with!

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New Old World Order?

22.06.2023, Tomasz KoniczCan state-capitalist China inherit the United States’ position as global hegemon? If the Russian-Chinese summit declarations and Western assessments are to be believed, the 21st century will be defined as an era of Chinese hegemony. At their Moscow war summit in mid-March, Putin and Xi advocated a “just multipolar world order” that would

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Keynesianism in Crisis

Tomasz Konicz, 17.06.2023. Originally published on oekumenisches-netz.de in 02/2023While many elements of Keynesian economic policy are used in the day-to-day crisis, post-Keynesianism is running wild as an ideology on the German left. Whether they are stock-conservative market disciples[1] or staid social-democratic trade unionists,[2] in times of crisis, they are all Keynesians. In every crisis episode

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China: Multiple Crises Instead of Hegemony

Why the state-capitalist People’s Republic will not be able to succeed the USA as a hegemonic power konicz.info, 19.03.2023 Launched in 2013, the New Silk Road, Beijing’s ambitious investment program in developing and emerging countries, was supposed to usher in an era of Chinese hegemony and make the 21st century a Chinese century – after

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The Alternative Imperialists

January 23, 2023 It is becoming increasingly clear that the capitalist catastrophe is looming. The left should fight for an emancipatory outcome. Even before all the ideology, megalomania, and opportunism emerged, many left-wing contributions to the debate on Ukraine suffered from a fundamental logical misconception. Much has been written that assumes an easy way out

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