Exit! in English, 07.02.2022
The Centers of The World System Discover Islamofascism As a Repressive Instrument of Crisis Management in The Periphery
Talk to the Taliban? Mrs. Merkel can’t do that quickly enough. While panicked people clinging to planes taking off plunge to their deaths at Kabul airport, while IS Islamists blow up dozens of fleeing people in suicide attacks, the chancellor declared Taliban rule in Afghanistan to be a new reality that was ‚bitter,†but that had to be ‚dealt with.†This means, above all, holding talks with the stone-age Islamists ‚in order to be able to preserve something of what has benefited the people of Afghanistan over the past 20 years†(one can only hope that the Chancellor is not referring to the mass-murderous German air strikes, which, for example, provided one Colonel Klein with a career path to General).[1] According to Merkel, the German government is already providing 500 million euros for humanitarian purposes. Through this, the hope is to ‚continue to protect people†in Afghanistan after the evacuation, which will be completed in ‚a few days.
Link: https://exitinenglish.wordpress.com/2022/02/07/the-normalization-of-the-taliban/